- 0800 BBM 800
- admin@bbmrecruitment.co.nz
- 30 Unit 5 Hobill Ave, Wiri
About Dave Letele

Dave Letele
When Dave “the Brown Buttabean” Letele created Buttabean Motivation (BBM), he focused on sharing his fitness journey with his people. Through social media, he built up a movement of followers and a team of leaders who came up through the BBM bootcamps.
Now, nearly 10 years later, Dave has started on his next revolution – shaking up the recruitment industry with BBM Recruitment.
“It’s something I have wanted to do for a while now. Through BBM we have these amazing people coming in who are learning about fitness and health. They’ve turned their lives around, and many want to find a job. But employers are wary because some of our people have been unemployed for a long time, and some have criminal records. There are barriers we need to break down if our people are to move forward and succeed in life,” he says.
“BBM Recruitment is here to manaaki to our people and provide them with the wraparound support they need to get job-ready and create the right mindset to succeed at work. Having a good attitude is so important – if your staff have that, you can train them for anything.
“As an employer, finding the right staff takes time and money. Making a mistake with a hire is costly. BBM Recruitment is here to work with employers to understand what they need and match them with the right person for their organisation.
“Most of the BBM team management and leaders have come through BBM. Our networks are amazing. We have found some real diamonds who have shown up, time after time, and have developed into real leaders – but they would never have backed themselves to do that in the past,” Dave says.
BBM Recruitment offers recruitment services for permanent, part-time, and temporary roles in a range of industries, including traffic safety, transport, warehousing, supply chain and logistics, and temporary staffing.
“We want to be the one-stop shop for employers looking for great people to employ, vetted through BBM Recruitment,” Dave says.