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BBM Recruitment launched !

Here it is 📣📣🔥 I’m excited to announce the launch of our latest venture, BBM Recruitment! After years of providing employment readiness, foodshare, and youth programs to our community, we realized that recruitment was the missing link.
With BBM Recruitment, we can now truly give people a hand up by supporting them as they enter the workforce and providing any necessary support along the way.
Our approach is different. We work with job seekers to identify their goals and help them train and prepare for their desired roles. We also partner with companies that align with our values, ensuring that both employees and employers are happy.
BBM Recruitment isn’t just about finding jobs for people, it’s about making a social impact. By supporting us, you’re enabling us to establish a different revenue stream to fund our programs and help even more people in our community.

BBM fighting unemployment with new initiative

Buttabean Motivation (BBM) has been helping people across Auckland keep fit and fed for several years now it’s embarking on its latest initiative.

Drug addiction, prison - and now, a first job in 15 years

A man who spent years behind bars but has recently secured his first job in more than a decade says he’s been given positive feedback from an employer for the first time in his life after finally being given a chance.